As you all probably know by now, May is EDS awareness month. Instead of writing a whole big thing, I'm going to link a wonderful lady who has already gone through the painstaking process of linking, and mentioning, and such.
As a side note, I have also been posting EDS awareness to my Facebook account, and I suggest you do the same. You never know whose life you could change.
Another side note, I made a sushi scarf for a friend I'll be seeing on vacation next week. I'm currently working on a bacon and egg one for her hubby. The patterns for these are not available online, but in a book by Twinkie Chan. She also has a blog, just google her name plus "crochet" and you'll find all of her pretty creations.
Apparently May is side note month as well... Another side note... I have a brand new spiffy e-mail address! You can now contact me at:
Bubble_Girl_EDS (at) hotmail (dot) ca
The only reason I wrote the "at" and "dot" is to dissuade spammers, cuz they suck.
Hoping for HUGS and understanding for all my fellow Bendies!
Canadian SF in Orwell’s Year
6 days ago
That is an awesome scarf!! Very cool. I have the same book and have made a few projects out of it, but haven't attempted this one yet. You did a great job; it came out really awesome. Happy May! :)
Hi there, I stumbled across your blog today and lo and behold you follow Danielle Davis too; Small world. I just had to say "happy" ehlers danlos awareness month and I LOVE that scarf. Take care.
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