Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My News

So, the reason I've had to stop Prolotherapy, and the reason all of my joints are extra floppy, and the reason my blood pressure has been super wonky is...

I'm Pregnant!

After 5 years of trying to make a baby with my hubby, we've finally done it!

I am currently 14 weeks along, and the baby is due in early April.

I've lost 20 pound since becoming pregnant, due to the lack of hunger, combined with all the wonderful nausea, and lack of sleep.

And, holy crap, my boobs hurt.

We've told only close family and a couple friends at this point, so to all my Facebook friends, please don't comment on Facebook, as we haven't gone "Facebook official" with the news yet.

Right now I'm anxious, and worried, and wondering if I'm going to have a healthy baby. After all, there are many things that could go wrong still, and 2 different genetic connective tissue disorders to watch for.

But the cute little monkey was doing headstands when I went for my ultrasound last week, and it was SO CUTE!


Stacey said...

I know I dont post on here but I do keep up to date with what is going on. Just wanted to congratulate you and your husband and hope things become a bit easier for you soon!

BubbleGirl said...

Thank you Stacey! I hope things get easier for you, too.

cathy said...

Hi Im new to your blog. I was just wondering what you meant when you said 2 genetic disorders? Obviously EDS is one.

BubbleGirl said...

I have EDS, and my hubby has Marfans. Both are genetic connective tissue disorders, and they each affect different genes.

cathy said...

I was curious because I have EDS and my hubby has Achondroplasia (a genetic musculoskeletal disorder)