Sorry I've not posted in a while.
The company I work for has undergone a change of management, and I have been doing what amounts to 2 full time jobs simultaneously. It's not fun.
On top of this, for reasons I can't get into at the moment, I have had to stop Prolotherapy injections for the foreseeable future. So I'm in a crapload of pain in my everywhere... Again. As soon as I'm medically cleared, I will start them again.
You wanna know something weird? After my wonderful 2 weeks of significantly fewer dislocations than I've had in over a decade (thanks to the Prolotherapy), once the tissues started to loosen up again, and I started to dislocate my "normal" amount of times again, the pain suddenly seemed so much MORE. It's as if my mini-vacation was enough for my body to forget what 24/7 HOLY CRAP PAIN was, and more importantly, forget how to deal with it.
My wonderful insomnia is back with a vengeance. I'm getting about 2 hours sleep per night, spread out over 8 hours lying in bed... Ugh. Oh, and my blood pressure is totally wonky, and I've had about 10 "near-syncope" events in the last couple weeks. Those times where you have just enough warning that you're about to lose consciousness, that you can sit down quickly, or lay down, before you actually pass out.
I'm trying to keep my fluid intake to a maximum, but I just can't seem to get enough into me to raise my blood pressure.
That's all I've got for now. I'll try to update sooner next time.
Canadian SF in Orwell’s Year
3 weeks ago
Thank you for sharing your Prolotherapy experiences! May I ask if the reason you've had to delay is EDS-related? (Wondering whether or not to get my hopes up that Prolotherapy will work for me.) Will wait with bated breath to hear how it goes, good luck!
The reason I've had to delay my prolotherapy has nothing to do with EDS. And it looks like I should be able to resume the treatments in about April or May of next year. If all goes well this weekend, I will be posting about all of this on Tuesday.
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